Written by Kirsten Kingsley, MA, LPC September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month but before I share content in this blog post please see the below resources in case you find yourself or someone you know is in a suicide crisis and need immediate assistance: Crisis Resources If you or someone you know is experiencing an […]
Is Telehealth the Future of Therapy?
As a result of the Coronavirus pandemic, many therapists have had to quickly pivot and offer their clients online sessions in an effort to help them to continue to make progress while at the same time abide by the social distancing guidelines to flatten the curve. While it seems our country and the rest of […]
How to Bring Up Resilient Children
Have you heard the phrase “helicopter parent?” It describes a mother or father that ‘hovers’ around their child 24/7, overseeing their life to keep them from every potential danger, pitfall and mishap. It looks good on paper, but this kind of parenting forgets one important fact of reality: life happens. Adversity happens to all of us. […]
Is Your Screen Time Causing “Tech Neck?”
At any given moment in almost any public space, you can see the same thing: a sea of people all looking down at their phone. While technology certainly helps us stay connected with friends and family, it’s not doing a lick of good for our necks! You see, our neck was not designed to be […]
Symptoms of Adult ADHD
A lot of discussion is given to childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). But this behavioral issue greatly affects adults as well. While the exact cause of adult ADHD isn’t yet understood, recent research seems to indicate that genes and heredity, the foods we eat, and our environment play key roles. Symptoms of Adult ADHD […]
Satisfied Versus Full – How to Make Sure You’re Not Overeating
Most of us have felt that familiar feeling of overeating. We go from feeling “starved” to sort of blacking out as we shove food into our mouths and then roughly 20 minutes later feel “too full” and uncomfortable. Why does this happen to us and so often? Well, there are three reasons, really” The first […]
4 Ways to Support Your LGBTQ Child When They’re Facing a School Bully
It’s easy for adults to forget what adolescence was like. The frustrations of figuring out the sometimes-foreign world around us combined with the cocktail of raging hormones that set our emotions off at the drop of a hat. Man, being a kid was hard! What can make an already-hard situation even harder for a young […]
How to Manage Emotional Eating
People use different coping strategies when dealing with stress and other overwhelming emotions. Some people use substances such as drugs and alcohol, some smoke cigarettes, and some charge a lot of money to their credit card. And then there are those people who take comfort in their favorite foods. Emotional eating often leads to weight […]
5 Signs of Childhood Emotional Neglect
For many, childhood is a time of wonder and adventure; a time when all needs are met and comfort is merely a whimper away. And yet for others, childhood never feels quite safe or secure. For these people, emotional neglect was something that colored their early years and affects them as adults. Childhood Emotional Neglect […]
The Amazing Benefits of Meditation
There are plenty of things that occur in our daily lives that cause us stress: commuter traffic, hassles at work, and tension in our personal relationships to name just a few. If we don’t find healthy ways to deal with this stress, it can fester, eventually causing anxiety, depression, and even health issues such as […]
(708) 689-9814 | karen@oakpark-counseling.com
101 N. Marion Street Oak Park, IL 60301
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